Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Sub- irrigation planter in 1.5 L PET bottles - production of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in a greenhouse”

Sadhana Debi-Tewarie BSc.
Last year, the Faculty of Technological Sciences of the Anton de Kom University of Suriname (AdekUS), requested IICA’s assistance to facilitate Sadhana Debi-Tewarie with their graduation projects. She studied Agricultural Production with a major in Agronomy. The department of Agriculture Production is the highest agriculture academic institute in Suriname which gave a Bachelor of Science degree after successful completion.

The research of her study project was an evaluation of different mediums and technics for the production of fresh lettuce. She chooses to grow the fresh lettuce in greenhouses instead of outside to promote the potential of greenhouses for fresh vegetables. During May- September 2012, she received assistance from Stanley Oosthuizen IICA’s Agricultural Technology and Extension Specialist to set up a drip irrigation system for lettuce experiments in different greenhouse structures. Due to avoid climate change effects and to control/ monitor the environment and grow of vegetables in tropical countries, earlier analyses and studies have shown that greenhouses are best practices in many countries in the world. Benefits of growing in a greenhouse are irrigation control, no water waist, efficient fertilizer incorporation, better pest control, clean vegetables, higher yield and less use of chemical pesticides.
The objective of this survey was to analyze the production of lettuce in a greenhouse and the following aspects were examined: the effects of varieties, fertilizers and cultivation technics.

Lettuce in containers with drip irrigation

Sub- irrigation planter in 1.5 L PET bottles

The used growing technics were plant containers and 1.5 L PET bottles with controlled irrigation systems (drip irrigation and sub –irrigation planter).

The sub-irrigation planter method is cheaper and environment friendly, because PET bottles are re-used. This method is simple and can be practice by anyone. The profit is higher compare to growing in containers with drip irrigation, because the quantity of lettuces for each square meter is twice more and the investment is very low.

Lettuce in containers with a drip irrigation system

Planting in containers is also a simple construction except the drip irrigation which is expensive and depends on energy(power). The produced kg lettuce for each square meter is twice more compare to the sub-irrigated planter. On the other side this method cannot be used in places where energy is not available such as interior and rural areas.
The overall conclusion of this experiment is that growing lettuce is containers have significant higher yields compare to sub-irrigated planter, but related to money and investment the plant irrigated system is more profitable.
The sub-irrigated plant system can be used by everyone and everywhere. It will help us to clean the environment by re-using plastic bottles.

Do you want to try the 1.5 L PET bottles  as sub-irrigation planter at home ? Any question... post on my blog!

Sadhana :)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

ICT and agriculture Web 2.0 Workshop

The CaFan (Caribbean Farmers Network) in collaboration with CTA (Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation) organized the training workshop Web 2.0. Twenty youth leaders across the region participated in this workshop, where they are trained in blogging and important tools for writing blogs. A blog is a personal dairy on the website that is frequently updated, but not limited. On the blogs people can share their activities and promote them also with the wider internet users. Relevant information can be shared and exchanged with internet users. This way of sharing / exchanging information is free and can be reach large group of young people.
The purpose of this workshop is capacity strengthening of young leader, active involved in the agriculture development of the region, in order to promote and exchange knowledge with other youth across the world. The objective is to share success stories and opportunities in agriculture with youngsters in order to interest more young people to invest in agriculture production. The opportunities lies everywhere, but young leader need to be aware of it! Challenges confronting the agriculture development and the success stories can be shared on blogs . Even promoting of products can be done by blogging.
During day-1 of the workshop the participants learned how to do advanced searching on the web, the importance of ICT in agriculture and creating Google maps. Full of enthusiasm all the participants are looking to day-2 when every participant will be able to operate a own blog.  


De CaFan (Caribbean Farmers Network) in samenwerking met CTA (Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation) hebben het mogelijk gemaakt dat twintig jongeren uit de regio kunnen participeren aan een trainingsworkshop, waarbij alle tools worden aangeleerd voor het opzetten van blogs. Een Blog is een persoonlijk dagboek op een website dat regelmatig wordt bijgehouden, maar kan meer dan een dagboek omvatten. Zo kunnen activiteiten worden geplaatst en relevante informatie worden gedeeld met internet gebruikers. Deze manier van informatie uitwisseling is gratis en bereikt veel jongeren.
CaFan en CTA willen middels deze workshop capaciteitsversterking aanbieden aan jonge leiders binnen CARICOM, waardoor ze hun ondernemingen kunnen promoten en kennis kunnen uitwisselen met andere jongeren uit de wereld. Het doel is om de agrarische ontwikkeling meer bekendheid te gegeven en jongeren meer bewust te maken van de kansen en mogelijkheden die er allemaal zijn. Uitdagingen waarmee agro-producenten te maken krijgen of succesverhalen binnen de agrarische sector kunnen in de vorm van blogs gedeeld worden. Ook kunnen producten worden gepromote, om zo afzet markten te kunnen vinden.
Tijdens de workshop dag-1 hebben de participanten geleerd om geavanceerd informatie te kunnen opzoeken om het Internet, het belang van ICT in de agrarische productie, het maken van google mappen. Vol enthousiasme kijken ze uit naar dag-2, waarbij iedereen een blog zal opzetten.

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